Fencing Weapons | 全國運動場館資訊
Therearethreedifferentweaponsusedinfencing:Epee,FoilandSabre.Allweaponsingeneral,arebasedoffofthesamebasicsetofrulesmakingit ...
WeaponsThere are three different weapons used in fencing: Epee, Foil and Sabre. All weapons in general, are based off of the same basic set of rules making it relatively easy to switch between epee, foil and sabre. Although, each weapon has its own unique subset of rules which affects the speed, duration and style of a fencing match.
The epee is considered the original dueling sword. It was developed in the middle of the 19th century to train individuals for duels. If you’ve seen any movie with a lot of swordplay in it chances are you are watching epee. The weapon’s blade is somewhat triangular in shape and quite stiff to bend. Since the whole body is considered target, the guard is large and bell-shape to protect the hand from hits. Hits to target are made with the point of the blade only.
The foil evolved from the sh...
Fencing | 全國運動場館資訊
Foil (fencing) | 全國運動場館資訊
Épée | 全國運動場館資訊
Sabre (fencing) | 全國運動場館資訊
fencing | History, Organizations | 全國運動場館資訊
The anatomy of a fencing sword | 全國運動場館資訊
Fencing Weapons | 全國運動場館資訊
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